What are the 5 Meta Hacks of the Week? They are weekly emails I send out containing interesting facts, jokes, lifehacks, and otherwise hard to find gems from around the Internet. I’ve included last week’s below, but if you want the latest and greatest, you’ll want to sign up here. The 5 Meta Hacks of the Week oftentimes include community submitted contributions. If you’d like to participate, please fill out the form here and I’ll choose my favorite ones to share on the very next 5 Meta Hacks of the Week.
Daniel, Founder & CEO
Metadot / Das Keyboard / Mojo Helpdesk
1. GraphQL
Revolutionize REST API programming with this technology coming from Facebook.
2. Segway e-Skates
Forget hoverboards, e-scooters, one-wheels, or whatever else is out there. These e-Skates are the next thing! (Contributed by Will T.)
3. Genmai Cha Green Tea
This organic and decaf tea has been circulating around our office and has a really unique nutty flavor. Give it a try! (Contributed by Jenny W.)
4. CamScanner
Need a quick way to scan documents, but don’t have a scanner handy? Use the one you always carry with you: your smartphone + CamScanner = a portable scanner that automatically crops for you. (Contributed by Ahmed L.)
5. JHipster
JHipster is an open source, widely used application generator. Easily create high-quality Java Spring Boot + Angular/React projects.