If you weren’t signed up for last week’s 5 Meta Hacks of the Week, you missed out on a bunch of useful lists. Lists of recipes, habits, and strategies. Luckily for you, I’ve posted them here. Take a look, and if you know of any useful lists yourself, please share them with me here. I’ll select the best ones to share with the community in the next 5 Meta Hacks of the Week. If you or your friends want to get the latest 5 Meta Hacks of the Week as they are released, sign up here.
Daniel, Founder & CEO
Metadot / Das Keyboard / Mojo Helpdesk
1. Alcohol: One drink a day is one too many, scientists say
Scientists say there’s no such thing as a “safe level” of alcohol, including an occasional glass of wine.
2. Distill
AI concepts represented graphically. Machine learning research should be clear, dynamic, and vivid. Distill is here to help.
3. Foil packet recipes
These simple recipes just require ingredients, foil, and a grill. Try some out this Labor Day weekend!
4. 3 habit shifts that will reduce your environmental impact
Reducing your environmental impact can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Just follow these three simple changes to your habit.
5. 4 strategies for overcoming distraction
The average person is interrupted every 40 seconds when working in front of their computer. Read this HBR article to get more focused and get back your productivity.