Here’s some more awesome stuff we’ve discovered this week and we just had to share it with the world (by the way, “stuff” is on the list of 15 words you shouldn’t say, learn more below). 1. Since the warm weather is arriving for most of us, so are the insects and flies. Oh how…
Tips & Tricks: Protect Your Privacy, Drink, and More…
How to Clean Your Keyboard: DON’T Use the Dishwasher!
When your computer keyboard is starting to get some sticky buildup, or a few of the keys are squeaking every time you press them, it’s time for a good cleaning. Regular cleaning and maintenance of your keyboard helps ensure you’ll be able to use it longer. This is especially important if you own a mechanical…
How Mechanical Keyboards Make Your Employees More Productive
Listen up, employers. We know that you’re concerned about productivity at your company. It only makes sense; more saved time equals higher profits. You’ve invested various training and motivation techniques into your employees to help meet your goals, but it seems like they still lag behind. Have you considered the fact that the problem isn’t…
Current Events Demonstrate Need for Personal Data Protection
Two major news stories broke last week that should make anyone with a laptop, mobile phone or tablet take notice. On Monday, the Wall Street Journal reported that U.S. companies use location sensors to track potential customers through their mobile phones without their knowledge and consent. For example, Happy Child, an Asian restaurant in Toronto,…