Das Keyboard II: the keyboard that clicks. Watch and listen to this YouTube video from modology. It seems that mechanical key switches are addictive to many users… For more information go to www.daskeyboard.com.
Watch & Listen to Das Keyboard II
MTV goes blank with Das Keyboard II
If your are looking for a nice gift for yourself, your friends or your kids, check out the MTV Christmas PC product guide that includes our high end mechanical keyboard, the Das Keyboard II. Also they have a pretty funny product description check it out. MTV PC product guide showing Das Keyboard II Das Keyboard…
How not to make money on the web…
An interesting article from Chad L Perrin that talks about Web 2.0 business models and takes Montastic, our free website monitoring service as an example. http://sob.apotheon.org/?p=129
GWT: The end of HTML for web applications
For those who have missed the start of this quiet revolution, Google is changing the way web applications are developed. After rolling out Google maps, Gmail and Google spreadsheet (among many other tools), Google has released its secret sauce: the Google Web Toolkit (GWT). It is a Java development framework that makes writing Rich Internet…