Ransomware is making the news on a regular basis (and gradually turning into an information security meme) due to its increasing popularity among internet criminals. Infections on mission critical machines can bring down important infrastructure, cripple companies, and cause chaos. We’ll take a look at how ransomware works and what it can mean for different…
Defending Against Ransomware
Das Keyboard 5Q Kickstarter May Update
Hello Kickstarter backers, May has been an eventful month for us as we progress forward. Here are the highlights of this month’s update: FCC compliance is looking good Q knob and encoder has been updated Dedicating the macro keys to media keys Expecting a Pilot build in June & production in July Q Desktop beta…
Das Keyboard: Gear for Overachievers
Das Keyboard is known as a creator and innovator in the keyboard market. Our recent releases set a new high water mark in those efforts. The Das Keyboard 5Q, 4 Professional, and Prime 13 embody our team’s rigorous quest for professional perfection. Describing and defining our product line is challenging because it offers value to…
Das Keyboard 5Q Kickstarter April Update + Reward Pictures
Hello Backers, Things are rolling along and we have some progress pictures! Let’s dive into it. Shipped Rewards for Exclusive Innovators & Swag Backers As we mentioned in our last update, we have shipped some rewards to the Exclusive Innovators and the Swag Backers. Here are some pictures of the packages that we sent out…