If you’re a manager or owner of a large company, you’re likely interested in ways to save money and increase your profits. That’s a reasonable goal, but sometimes this can lead to short-term solutions that end up costing you more in the end. And would you believe that keyboards are one of these bad decisions?…
Why Buying Quality Keyboards Could Save Your Company Thousands of Dollars
“All You Need is Love” from Das Keyboard
What’s the best way to your Valentine’s heart? Buy a Model S Professional Quiet mechanical keyboard for your Sweetheart and get a second keyboard of your choice at 50% off. Shop now through February 14.
Current Events Demonstrate Need for Personal Data Protection
Two major news stories broke last week that should make anyone with a laptop, mobile phone or tablet take notice. On Monday, the Wall Street Journal reported that U.S. companies use location sensors to track potential customers through their mobile phones without their knowledge and consent. For example, Happy Child, an Asian restaurant in Toronto,…
Wrist and Hand Exercises for Gamers Who Are Uber-Dedicated to Their Computers
There are several questions you can ask yourself to see if you’re a legitimate gamer. A simple one is, “Do you lose track of time?” Most serious gamers are surprised when they look at their clock after a gaming session and see that it’s several hours later. You could also ask yourself if you miss…